Saturday, February 08, 2014

Tom & Jerry in Real Life!

So here's a believe it or not story...

Came home the other day from work, and noticed my cat sitting on the staircase landing, playing with something... and turns out, it was a tiny mouse, the size of a "real mouse" - yes, the computer variety real thing :)

Not wanting it to be killed by the cat, I shooed away Catrina inside the house, and tried to coax the mouse to escape quickly - but it was tightly hunched over, and I let it be, hoping it was still alive to run away.

A few mins later, there was a noise by the door - and there he was, our Jerry, desperately trying to find some way into our home, having somehow squeezed between the security door and the inner door. And our Tom was pleading with me to let him in!

Anyway, I closed the doors, and thinking the mouse was really sick and hurt, tried to give it some water to drink, but it finally scurried away.

But that was just the beginning of their affair.

The next evening, he was back - somehow having managed to get inside, playing with Catrina all over our sofas! The ladies, of course, were too scared to do anything, and by the time I came home from office, he had disappeared.

Imagine my surprise, when a few mins later, I walked into my daughter's bedroom to find Jerry exploring every nook and corner, while our Tom stood by admiringly, following it, protecting it from me!

Took all my tact and threats to cajole Jerry into a bucket, and escort him to the ground floor... putting an end to their budding romance!

Well, or so I hope!

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