Wednesday, September 02, 2009


My cat was unwell - and we suspected poisoning. Along with Betnesol, my vet recommended an injection - if it's not poisoning, it won't harm. But if it's poisoning, it will save her life, he told me.

So off I went to the pharmacy, got the vial and the syringe and the needle, set up the contraption, took her hind leg skin in my fingers and administered the dose.

Out it spilled into my fingers. I hadn't managed to poke her.

Thankfully, half the vial was available for a second try.

This time, I felt the needle go in, the cat yelped, and a new vet was born.

She's fine now. It wasn't poisoning, it was constipation. She had to be given an anema, but this time, I got the vet to come home and do the dirty job himself!

I am one vet who will only do the glamorous stuff. Like injections.

1 comment:

Ray said...

Good on you mate!. Now animals around the world have something new to fear about :)