Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Remembering 26/11

Take a moment to remember the sacrifices of the 26/11 heroes, as well as those countless brave men and women who give up their lives so that we can live in safety. Use this opportunity to reaffirm your faith in our democratic institutions, and the very special motherland we call India.

Yes we have our problems, but it's up to you and I to stand up and make a difference.


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Anonymous said...

Kasab's grand breakfast on the 2nd anniv of 26/11 - milk, poha, sheera, egg and chai!!

Siddhesh said...

Well, let's look at it another way. We haven't stooped down to their levels, we haven't given him the martyrdom and the virgins in heaven he's been looking for. And in some sense, what better way to punish someone like him?