Sunday, November 27, 2011

Movie Review: Blood Diamond

Another stunningly made movie, Blood Diamond is focused on Africa and its diamonds, and the murky cartels and atrocities that hide behind the sparkles.

Danny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio) smuggles blood diamonds from Sierra Leone which is embroilled in a bloody civil war. He partners with a very reluctant fisherman Solomon Vandy (Djimon Hounsou), separated from his family in a viciously savage attack on his village by rebels, to retrieve a very rare and coveted pink diamond in an adventure that will test their strength, trust and resolve. When they meet up and enlist the help of an American journalist Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly), Archer falls in love. However, the journey will tear them apart, just as the civil war ravages the poor nation... will the diamond provide redemption, or will it claim yet another victim?

A stunning look inside Africa, and some brilliant performances, make this lenghty movie a great watch!

1 comment:

NJ said...

u had not seen it before ??? one of the best movies ever made... and again the best performance as usual by Leo.....