Sunday, November 25, 2012

India This Weekend

And while I caught up on some cool and not-so-cool movies this weekend, here's what India's been up to:

An aam aadmi launched the aam aadmi party - taking special efforts to mention that only one family member can work on the party's committees at one time, unlike another national party which clearly believes more the merrier, and finds family members very handy! The AAP will do every thing through true democracy - like in the good old days, when might was right. Existing members will be responsible for curating new members, at village, college and city level. Decisions will also be taken by majority vote. Everything thinks taxes are too high - go ahead, take a vote, and abolish them! My boss once told me, democracy doesn't always work. Obviously, he wasn't an aam aadmi.

The grand old men of another party of the janata engaged in what they do best! Oppose. The only problem? They oppose themselves and their own strategies and their own decisions. And the holy name wasn't enough for one grand old man to keep his job - after all, unlike the promise of the aam aadmi party, the party of the janata doesn't allow you to hit and run! So if you don't like the Goodkari of the party, don't depend on the shotgun!

Meanwhile, one wise man will rue his decision to ask for something he always wanted. Because sometimes, when you ask shiddat se, the puri kayanat gets together to give you want you want. And then, you realize, you didn't really want it after all! Now a gambhir player is praying for a mirable, but will the God oblige? Seems unlikely! He does want to play jab tak hai jaan, but he's already out, you see? Now, maybe, all that can save us is the son of sardar!


Shayari said...

Just hope that this party will not become like all other political parties in india who promises all when they start but later they remember only there people n money.........really have huge hopes from you........

Alok Tripathi said...

Indians are greedy for quick easy money, they love corruption, so I have heard all this gyaan before...easy to say and blog about, but tough to execute. Typical India, remember when we thought Anna was different? Ha! Not pessimism, but this is too many hopes dashed too many times.