Friday, September 29, 2006

Parenting for Dummies

Three quick tips for all you budding, wannabe or dont-wannabe parents out there...

1) Never give them nonsense. When you are asked all those pestering questions, provide intelligent questions. Remember, they are trying to learn - if you give them stupid answers, they will grow up to be stupid. The most difficult question is when the kid asks, where did I come from and how? I guess a good answer is, you were taken out of your mom's stomach, and you grew there like fruits grow on trees :) Well, it's kinda true, and hey, it's much better than telling him he was found on the doorstep!
Also, try and reason with them - usually, they understand. Don't make them eat by scaring them about demons and devils. Tell then why they need to eat, or sleep, or behave, and it'll work much better in the long run.

2) Never tell them stories which puts down others and makes them stars - moms typically love to make their kids feel good by showing how their friends and classmates and cousins are stupid and naughty and got punished - while the intention is good, to make the kid feel positive, and learn some lessons, the result is typically that the kid expects always to be better - hey, my mom told me that - and that will create serious personality and self-belief problems once the kid goes out into the world.

3) Never get work done by bribing them. There's a fine line between rewarding and bribing. The kid should feel happy and proud when he/she achieves something - that should be the gift. Your appreciation. Not a toy or a chocolate. It's a little tricky, this one - you do want to reward them of course.. but it cannot be a bribe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You got it!