Sunday, May 27, 2007

Prisoners of our Times...

What would we do if...

Our broadband connection was off for a day? Our cell phone had no range? Our cable was off? Our car had no petrol? The mall was off limits? The multiplex was closed? and Orkut was down? Google was not working?

I think life would grind to a halt. Completely.

Strangely, none of these existed when we were 15. And life never even took a pause!


Arati Rahalkar said...

There is a saying "Ignorance is bliss".

When you are ignorant or unaware of something, you never miss it even though in reality it is something really nice and fantastic to have. Because you simply don't know what it feels like to have it or know it.

But once you know about it and have experienced it, you want it all the time. That is how it is. It is about getting habituated to things very easily. Kids of today are never even going to understand what you are saying here!

Harsha Kumar said...

Read a book.. Go for a walk.. Or ring your neighbour's door bell and invite them for a cup of tea :)

Modernity has made us forget about the simple more reliable sources of pleasure..

I think most people today have even forgotten how to make conversation because there are simply so many other things to do! So rare to see people pick up their phone and call friends just to talk.. Meet up wth friends - for what? Coffee, music, pubbing, movies.. How about a simple walk and reenergizing meaningful conversation??

Ok, now I'm going overboard.. But I'm sure you get the gist :)