Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Crazy Invites!

Guess what this is?

Yes, an invitation card, for a birthday party! A pull up box, a dream cut-out scene from a fairy tale, and a pull out chamber with two invites, one for the birthday itself, one for the cocktail party!

You don't want to know what the return gifts were!


Harsha Kumar said...

Wow.. Very original!

What were the return gifts?

Siddhesh said...

A pillow-book. Imagine each page being a soft and silky thin baby pillow, 5-6 of these bound together into a "book", with 3-4 fairy tales on it!

Anonymous said...

Nice! Whose bday was it?

Siddhesh said...

No one you know :)

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me who made the invitation- beautiful!