Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Trust Deficit

At a time when Pakistan is suffering the worst floods in history, with millions and millions of people affected, it's facing a very rarely seen shortage of relief funds from the international community, a clear message that it's support to terrorism and misappropriation of funds is not being looked at too kindly. Interestingly, by far the biggest offer of help, 5M USD, has come from India, and even Afghanistan has shown it's large heart by donating 1M USD, two countries that have bled most from Pakistan's terror agendas. Most affluent European countries have pledged far less.

A few days ago, CNBC Pakistan ran an interview with some firang business guru asking him why foreign investors weren't treating Pakistan the same way they were flocking to India, and his answer was crystal clear - no one trusts you, no one believes this country can provide a safe and secure environment like India. At some point, you almost felt sorry for the Pakis... they are just like us, they always beat us in cricket when we were kids, people always talked about their never-say-die spirit, and yet, today... they almost aren't even on the map any more.

Evil never pays.

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