Sunday, September 19, 2010

Samara is Kid's Play

With Sanam at the Cabo De Ram plateau

Some more shots, this time from outside


Harsha Kumar said...

Lol.. I think in the middle she went, "Driving is so simple kya?".. he he..

Siddhesh said...

Yes, she did :) And she was all set to drive on the highway from Goa to Pune yesterday!

Meghana said...

Oh okay, I get it I start my driving life with a Premier Fiat and she gets to start hers with a Ford Endeavour? How fair is that? ;-) Well done, Little Girl.

And, my father would have completely freaked & panicked about 55 times in that video segment, so Well Done, to the dad there, for staying relatively calm. Save this special video for the generations to come, Siddhesh. I know I would give anything to see a video of my parents learning to drive for the first time. :-)

Siddhesh said...

Meghana, yes, it's amazing the way we can capture all these "little" special moments and relive them over and over again for decades to come...

Wish we had the cam back in those days at Kurla :)