Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quora seems to be the latest social platform to hit the news... Quora is essentially a Q&A site, and you get points for answering well (and spend points for asking). Everyone today seems to be getting a Quora account; I did too.

And while some questions are interesting, and I am sure there are ways to gain knowledge and get problems solved on Quora, I wonder if this is a sustainable model. Anyone can ask questions, and very few will research for similar questions before asking one of their own. And unless the experts get out there to answer, the veracity and usefulness will always be under a cloud. Unless the site admins spend tremendous efforts at moderating the questions and answers, this might go quickly out of hand.

Worth keeping a watch, though!


Aafreen said...

I do refer to Quora sometimes but I'm more active on Stackoverflow. SO too employs a point-based model. Also you don't need to spend anything to ask :) I noticed their engine is pretty intelligent. When you start typing a question, it presents a list of related questions so you can avoid asking something that has been already asked. I've seen that Indians tend to stick to googling while non-Indians are great at elaborating their problems on such QnA sites :D A bit of googling plus some personal effort, and even "my" answers get accepted as the right answers!:D So you really don't have to be an expert, to get started at the least. To encourage new people, first few badges are easily attainable.. Thereafter, it takes some real effort to earn reputation..and the guys with high reputation assume the role of moderators..But it's too addictive. I once got to live chat with a 10gen guy! Great exp it was! Really a great way to learn stuff :)

Priyaranjan Anand Marathe said...

the website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010.

You are late Siddhesh. :).

Siddhesh said...

You won't believe it.. I haven't yet checked out interest! :)