Thursday, June 27, 2013

101 Ways To Lose Weight

I lost around 13 kgs in 13 weeks towards the beginning of this year...

Check for the story in pics :)

Now, while my pancreas did help a lot initially, it's been strict diet control and exercise that helped me keep the tires from coming back full steam.

A lot of people have asked me the secret, so here goes..

1) Avoid that machine coffee in office - it adds dollops of sugar, and most of us end up having those multiple breaks for coffee before and after meetings. Instead, keep some flavoured green teas in your office, and instead of stuffing yourself with sugar, go for warm water and the anti-oxidants, all at 0 calories!

2) Avoid Pepsi, Coke, Sprite and all other variants. Soft drink advertisements should be absolutely banned on TV, and every bottle should come with a health hazard warning. Instead, if you love the fizz and can't get that chicken down your throat without it, try plain chilled soda, and then experiment with a dash of lemon - and as far as possible, avoid the salt or sugar option. Just go with plain soda and lime juice.

3) Avoid fruit juices - even those which claim to be 100% real with no sugar added. Instead, fill up on fruits. Yes, some fruits like grapes, banana and chickoo are slightly more sugary than apples, for example, but most fruits are great. Berries, watermelon, oranges and even mangos can be enjoyed, as long as you don't over do it. One a day, for example, is perfectly fine!

4) When you have a choice, choose a fruit over rice or chapatis. Stuff yourself with leafy, green veggies. Salads are awesome; just don't use too much of dressing!

5) Have breakfast - that's a must! Many small meals through the day, instead of few large ones.

6) Drink lots of water - but again, in moderation please. A few sips now and then is preferred to gulping down barrels.

7) Avoid eating at night in front of the TV, or simply because you have nothing else to do. For such situations, keep some chana or nuts (no masala please!), or an apple.

8) Don't starve yourself. While you shouldn't indulge your cravings, giving in to an ice cream or a gulab jamun once in a while is perfectly OK!

For exercise,

1) Just walk - and try and make it brisk. Walking while talking on the phone isn't a good idea, because in addition to increasing the risk of being run down or falling into a gutter, it also slows you down. Walk to the market, walk to the DVD store. Park further away than you need to. Take the stairs. Try and get in 30-45 min of brisk walking every day.

2) Get some simple dumb bells, or exercise cycle or stepper, and place it in front of the TV - convert your sofa sessions into calorie burning sessions!

And there are 91 other ways - for which you will need to wait for my book :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome start.. waiting for ur book... :-)